3 Springtime Safety Tips Your 30092 Vet Needs You to Know   

If you have a reputable 30092 vet, you know that they believe patient education is just as important as annual exams. The more pet owners know about keeping their pets healthy, safe, and happy, the more their quality of life will increase. 

The arrival of spring comes with beautiful weather, but this also means going out more presents more dangers.   

Keep reading to learn some of the top springtime safety tips you need to know!  

1. Watch Out for Easter Items  

If you celebrate Easter, make sure that you keep all the sweets associated with Easter away from your pet. Chocolate is still the top pet poison identified by veterinarians, with xylitol, a natural ingredient commonly found in sugar-free gum, as a close second.   

Here are a few common signs that your dog has ingested chocolate:   

  • Vomiting  

  • Diarrhea   

  • Panting and restlessness  

  • Racing heart rate  

  • Increased urination  

Keep in mind that even if you don't have chocolate or xylitol in your Easter baskets, there are still a few more dangerous items. Dogs and cats alike are tempted to chew on fake grass, plastic eggs, and wrappers–all things that are a choking hazard, or that can cause gastrointestinal distress.   

2. Look Out for Heartworm Disease  

Since you'll be out more often and the mosquitoes are back in full force, heartworm disease that's transmitted by mosquitoes is a considerable risk. This disease can lead to death if it's untreated. More often, it can cause:   

  • Mild, chronic cough  

  • Fatigue  

  • Decreased appetite  

  • Weight loss  

  • Difficulty breathing  

You can save your pet from heartworm disease by ensuring that they're protected with year-round heartworm prevention. Speak to your veterinarian to get their recommendations.   

3. Seasonal Allergies 

Lastly, did you know that pets can also suffer from seasonal allergies? If you know that your pet is susceptible to allergies, make sure that you speak to your vet to get tips on mitigating their discomfort.   

Here are a few signs that your pet is dealing with an allergy:   

  • Scratching and biting their skin  

  • Red and inflamed skin  

  • Chronic ear infections  

  • Excessive shedding  

  • Compulsive paw licking  

  • Respiratory issues  

Pets can take over-the-counter allergy medications that don't contain pseudoephedrine, but it's vital that you check with your veterinarian to choose the correct dosage.  

You can also give them some relief by bathing them in oatmeal shampoos and soaps that are formulated for pets. You can also purchase anti-itch creams created for pets that can provide temporary relief.   

Springtime Education from Your 30092 Vet  

Navigating some of the safety concerns of spring is easy when you're aware of what to look out for. From keeping chocolate and xylitol away from hungry mouths to preparing them for mosquitoes, making sure your pets are safe doesn't mean that you have to change the structure of your life.   

Ready to schedule your annual appointment with a top 30092 vet? Contact us today to get started!